不知道大家有没有听说,Facebook又双叒叕被集体诉讼啦😅。是的,他们家真的太多class action了,数都数不过来。⚠️ 这次是因为在用户在手机上关闭位置权限后,Facebook通过IP地址来追踪用户
只要你在15年1月30日到18年4月18日期间在手机上对Facebook App关闭了位置权限并使用了Facebook App就可以提交claim😋
This site is not related to this settlement and this post is for informational use only, please check out our disclaimer for more details. Submitting a claim for a class action settlement when you are not eligible can have serious consequences. False or inaccurate claims can result in legal action and may have financial and legal consequences. Please be sure that you meet all eligibility requirements before submitting a claim to avoid any potential issues