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Walmart满$20返$20 – TopCashback新用户专属活动

Walmart x Topcashback 活动来啦!截止日期:2022年09月07日 11:59 pm (PT)


  1. 进入Walmart,请确保购物车内有至少有$20的Books & Magazines, Patio & Garden, Fashion, Jewelry, Baby Gear & Nursery, Stationery, Automotive, Beauty, Personal Care, and Pet Supplies 分类下的商品(不包括Taxes & Shipping 税和运费),可以超过一件,不建议使用Walmart App购买,可能增加丢单风险
  2. 点击下方按钮注册TopCashBack,然后点击Get Offer进入Walmart购物
  3. 在Walmart正常结算



  1. 必须是TopCashBack新会员,之前有账号的不可再开账号
  2. 必须关闭广告拦截工具(Ad/Content Blocker)
  3. 必须通过下面链接注册,否则没有这个活动
  4. 解释权归TopCashBack所有


如果7天内没有出现,请点击这里提交Ticket,选择No Cashback sows in my account(untracked)后填写订单信息

@Deehee第一 – 有问题可以加入微信群

Terms and Conditions
Note: Transactions must contain at least $20.00 worth of purchases (before tax +shipping) to ensure the $20.00 cash back is credited to TopCashback accounts. Transactions may initially track lower, but within the 14 days after purchase it will be uplifted and turn payable at the amount of $20.00. Transactions may take up to 7 days to appear in your TopCashback account. The deal is open until 11:59pm PST on 9/7/2022 or until supplies run out; whichever happens first; applicable for purchases made directly after clicking through TopCashback. Only one TopCashback account is permitted per member. Only one freebie offer is permitted per new member. Cannot be combined with other TopCashback freebie offers. Do not close the window, open any new tabs, or use non-TopCashback approved coupons while checking out.
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
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